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TEMPEST Shielding

Origin of TEMPEST Shielding

The term "TEMPEST" originally referred to a government code name for a study conducted by the United States government in the 1960s to investigate the unintentional electromagnetic signals emitted by electronic equipment. These signals, if not properly managed, could potentially be intercepted and exploited by adversaries for espionage purposes. The study led to the development of techniques and standards for mitigating these risks, including the implementation of TEMPEST shielding.

Practical Application of TEMPEST Shielding

One practical application of TEMPEST shielding is in securing government and military communications and computer systems. By implementing TEMPEST shielding measures, these organizations can protect their sensitive information from being intercepted through electromagnetic emanations. This is particularly crucial in environments where the risk of electronic eavesdropping is high, such as embassies, military installations, or intelligence agencies.

Benefits of TEMPEST Shielding

Security: TEMPEST shielding helps prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information by protecting against electromagnetic eavesdropping. Compliance: Many government and military organizations are required to adhere to TEMPEST standards to ensure the security of their communications and information systems. Confidentiality: By minimizing electromagnetic emanations, TEMPEST shielding helps maintain the confidentiality of classified or sensitive information, reducing the risk of data breaches and espionage.


TEMPEST shielding is typically applied to electronic equipment that processes or stores sensitive information, such as computers, monitors, printers, and telecommunications devices.

TEMPEST shielding involves the use of materials and design techniques to contain electromagnetic emanations within the device and prevent them from being intercepted by unauthorized parties.

While government and military organizations are primary users of TEMPEST shielding, any entity that deals with sensitive or confidential information may benefit from its implementation, including businesses in sectors such as finance, healthcare, and telecommunications.


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