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SSL Stripping Attack

Definition of SSL Stripping Attack

SSL stripping attack is a malicious technique used by cyber attackers to downgrade a secure HTTPS connection to an unencrypted HTTP connection, leaving sensitive information vulnerable to interception. In this attack, the attacker acts as a "man-in-the-middle" between the user and the website, intercepting traffic and altering it to their advantage.

Origin of SSL Stripping Attack

The SSL stripping attack was first introduced by security researcher Moxie Marlinspike in 2009. Marlinspike demonstrated how attackers could exploit vulnerabilities in the way browsers handle HTTPS requests, allowing them to intercept sensitive data such as login credentials, credit card information, and personal details.

Practical Application of SSL Stripping Attack

One practical application of SSL stripping attack is in public Wi-Fi hotspots. These networks are often unsecured, making them prime targets for cyber attackers. By deploying SSL stripping techniques, attackers can intercept traffic between users and websites, gaining access to valuable information without the users' knowledge.

Benefits of SSL Stripping Attack

From an attacker's perspective, SSL stripping offers several benefits. Firstly, it allows them to bypass the security measures implemented by websites, such as SSL/TLS encryption, which would otherwise protect sensitive data. Secondly, it enables attackers to perform attacks stealthily, as users may not be aware that their connection has been downgraded to HTTP.


One way to protect yourself from SSL stripping attacks is by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) when accessing the internet, especially on public Wi-Fi networks. Additionally, always ensure that you are connecting to websites using HTTPS, and be cautious when entering sensitive information online.

Detecting SSL stripping attacks can be challenging, as they often occur silently without the user's knowledge. However, some security tools and software can help detect suspicious network activity and alert users to potential threats.

Yes, SSL stripping attacks are illegal as they involve unauthorized access to and interception of sensitive information. Engaging in SSL stripping attacks constitutes a violation of cybersecurity laws and can lead to severe legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment.


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